Monday, 21 February 2011

books presentation (videos in Italian)

The presentations of my books "Poprio come una balena" and "Strane Crisalidi" on 17 and 18 February went very well. Especially on Friday 18, big turn up. Here are the videos... for those of you who understand Italian. If you don't speak any Italian, well... Gabriele Sabatini and Caterina Gramaglia are beautiful and talented actors (who presented with me) to admire anyhow :)

If Queen were a Japanese band...

Another must watch video. I cried, oh I cried!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

My favourite youtube video ever!

This is it.

Little force

In a TV panorama where ads not only interrupt your program of choice, but annoy the hell out of you because they are badly written, badly filmed and badly acted, and all this at such a loud volume so they can reach you while you've gone to the loo or to brew some tea. It's often an effort to advertise a product that has nothing to do with the ad you've just seen. So in this silly panorama, sometimes you find an ad that isn't just cute and clever, but it's also worth watching and posting.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

books presentation

Well, I know you are all in the UK or on non Italian soil... or Roman for that matter... but I shall be presenting my two little books at the bookshop Flexi, Via Clementina 9, 00184 Rome. The event will start at 7pm sharp.

Should you have friends or family in the area, tell them to come along. It'll be a nice relaxed evening. We'll be listening to two lovely actors who will read out some of my compositions, so I aim it to be a bit like a staged reading.

Here's the e-leaflet I made for the evening.